Sleeve gastrectomy was initially used as the first step of a two-step weight loss surgery. It has been used as a single procedure for many years. It is a type of restrictive weight loss surgery that removes as much as 85 percent of your stomach, which means it will take significantly less food to make you not as hungry. As a result, your calorie intake will be substantially decreased, so you’ll be able to lose a significant amount of weight.
Also called vertical sleeve gastrectomy and gastric sleeve surgery, sleeve gastrectomy removes a significant portion of the stomach by stapling off the greater curvature of the stomach, leaving a much smaller, banana-shaped stomach
Sleeve gastrectomy is also performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is performed laparoscopically, which means it relies on very small incisions made in your abdomen rather than a single large incision.
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive approach that uses a tiny camera and special instruments designed to work through small incisions. It offers several advantages over traditional open surgery techniques, including a lower risk of infection, less scarring, less postoperative discomfort, and faster healing
Sleeve gastrectomy removes a significant portion of the stomach, responsible for the production of ghrelin, the hormonal that triggers you to feel hungry. Unlike gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy doesn’t require any alterations of the flow of food and enzymes through your intestine. The digestion can continue in the normal manner, reducing the risk of nutritional deficiency that is seen on some other types of weight loss surgery, including malabsorptive techniques. Contrary to the lap band surgery, there are no adjustments following the surgery. Differently from bypass surgery, Sleeve gastrectomy as gastric band allows endoscopy access to your common bile ducts in case a patient has gallbladder or pancreatic problems in the future.
Gastric sleeve weight loss surgery can also reduce or treat other obesity-related health conditions, including but not limited to:
Weight Loss Procedures
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